Rizzoli Bookstore: Important Update
January 17, 2014
Following news stories about the pending demolition of the building housing its New York flagship store, Rizzoli would like to clarify the situation.
The Rizzoli Bookstore is, and will remain, open for business at its current location for the time being, though the company is actively seeking new space.
For almost fifty years—twenty-nine in its current 57th Street location—Rizzoli Bookstore has been widely considered one of the foremost independent booksellers
in America specializing in illustrated books on architecture, interior design, fashion, photography, cookery, and the fine and applied arts, as well as literature, and foreign
language books. Rizzoli Bookstore has been, and will continue to be a literary landmark in New York City, and a celebrated destination for important authors and
booklovers from all over the world.
Rizzoli has been touched by the outpouring of public appreciation for the 57th Street bookstore as an important part of New York City’s cultural life, and looks forward to remaining a vital part of the city’s fabric for many decades to come.
From the New York Times:
Twenty-nine years ago, Rizzoli Bookstore, whose Old World charm, hand-wrought chandeliers and big storefront windows make it a favorite of noted authors, book lovers and tourists, fled Fifth Avenue two steps ahead of the wrecking ball.
It may now have to take flight again.
Read more here.
Photo © Chester Higgins Jr./The New York Times