
Yoga At Home: Inspiration for Creating Your Own Home Practice

The definitive guide to creating your own home yoga practice from the leading experts of Yoga Journal. Although yoga studios continue to proliferate, students are increasingly looking to enhance their studio experience with a personal home practice. Yoga at Home not only provides all the ingredients necessary, but this accessible how-to book also offers a visual feast of pose sequences and routines by top instructors and practitioners as photographed in their own homes. 
This accessible, photo-intensive, practice-oriented book provides everything needed to enrich a home yoga practice, including how to put together a well-rounded practice, how to expand on or vary that practice, and how-to sequences of poses and practices to follow at home. Along with exercises and advice from famous yoga teachers and practitioners such as Seane Corn, Rodney Yee, David Life and Sharon Gannon, Shiva Rea, and Elena Brower, the book features never-before-seen pose sequences showing these teachers practicing their favorite yoga poses in their homes and exploring the ways in which they use their personal spaces to complement their yoga routines. The practical tips, sequencing ideas, and inspiration found in the teachings of yoga—both ancient and contemporary—will resonate with both students and teachers at every level of practice.

About The Author

Linda Sparrowe is the former managing editor, acting editor in chief, and longtime contributor of Yoga Journal magazine. She has written six books on yoga, including the highly acclaimed Yoga: A Yoga Journal Book, and has contributed to several others.

  • Publish Date: September 18, 2018
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Category: Health & Fitness - Yoga
  • Publisher: Rizzoli Universe Promotional Books
  • Trim Size: 8 x 10
  • Pages: 240
  • US Price: $12.98
  • CDN Price: $16.98
  • ISBN: 978-0-7893-3566-1


“An important part of a strong yoga practice is to create the space and time in your own home. This guide is filled with motivational stories, expert tips and advice, sequences, and beautiful photographs that offer a personal glimpse into the home yoga regimen of some of the world’s best teachers and practitioners.”
-Travel the Unbeaten Path, A Quick Guide to Yoga for Traveling Mamas

"This series of heartfelt essays and photographs shows an inside look at where people practice yoga in their homes. The book features interviews with famous teachers and practitioners such as Seane Corn, Rodney Yee, David Life and Sharon Gannon, Shiva Rea, and Elena Brower as they reflect on practical tips, sequencing ideas, and inspiration found in the teachings of yoga.
What I love most about this book is that it is very down-to-earth and accessible -- you don't have to have years of experience to feel comfortable reading it and taking some of the wisdom and applying it to your own practice. There's something very real, tangible, and lovely about this collection; reading it feels like being in someone's actual living room with your mats rolled out side by side, just chatting and breathing and trying out the poses.”
-Alive in the

"[Yoga at Home] offers everything needed to begin or enrich practicing yoga at home. . . The book is filled with useful tips, motivational stories, and practical advice."

“In Yoga at Home, author Linda Sparrowe presents 55 yogis who open their homes and hearts to offer tips for readers who want to discover their own personal practices, rather than simply repeating what they practice in class. Yoga at Home is richly produced with color photos that demonstrate just how little space is needed for a home practice. All the teachers encourage readers to start in a way that supports the time they can devote to home practice, among life’s many requirements. The idea is that every experience is new and can produce observations that yogis may not otherwise recognize. For example, many of the teachers encourage readers to practice in the presence of their children, pets, and partners, and to notice the effect on the whole home. Yoga at Home is presented in an open and conversational tone, encouraging readers to explore their spiritual nature.”
-New York Journal of Books

"This book has really opened my eyes. Yoga at Home can be read and enjoyed not only by Yoga students and teachers, but by novices . . . It's an excellent introduction into the world of Yoga and everyone who reads it will be sure to glean something of value from between its covers."

"Calling all yogis with (or those wanting to create) a home practice: This beautifully inspirational book offers us an intimate look beyond the walls and into the sacred home spaces created by a number of beloved teachers. . . There is a vibrant authenticity to the book, with the colorful pages converying a warm sense of welcome from such empowering, creative teachers."