
The Sun: One Thousand Years of Scientific Imagery

A fascinating and informative look at studies of the Sun throughout history, beautifully illustrated with images from the Science Museum's collection. Dazzling, beautiful, powerful, mysterious - the Sun has fascinated people throughout history. This book charts our changing understanding of the Sun through a rich collection of scientific imagery: from from a 10th-century manuscript drawing of an earth-centred universe, to awe-inspiring close-ups of our turbulent star taken by orbiting spacecraft. Each image tells a story of evolving scientific understanding and techniques, as well as the personal dedication of the theologians, artists and astronomers who made them. Contents: Foreword; Introduction; The sun and planets; The solar surface; Eruptions; Sunlight; Eclipsed; Glossary; Further reading. Published to accompany the special exhibition The Sun: Living with Our Star, running at the Science Museum from 6 October 2018 to 6 May 2019.

  • Publish Date: January 06, 2019
  • Format: Hardcover
  • Category: Art - Collections, Catalogs, Exhibitions - Group Shows
  • Publisher: Scala
  • Trim Size: 8-1/4 x 8-1/4
  • Pages: 120
  • US Price: $27.95
  • CDN Price: $37.95
  • ISBN: 978-1-78551-172-1