Games & Activities - Trivia

Music Buff: The Ultimate Music Quiz

Think you know music? This game of trivia will put your knowledge to the test with over 1000 questions.

You may know the lyrics to every song by Nirvana or Sinatra, but what about those lesser-known artists? You might be a BTS obsessive, but do you know who their first producer was?

If you think you know everything about music, Music Buff will put you to the test with over 1000 questions that will make even the most devoted music lover sweat. Divided into six categories and complete with two die, this game will put your knowledge to the test about Albums, Artists, Connections, Singles, Firsts, and Behind the Scenes Facts. Pop a vinyl on, roll the dice to pick a category, and set your game to play.

About The Author

This game was collated by the editorial staff at Smith Street Books who are enthusiastic film and music nerds.

  • Publish Date: October 31, 2023
  • Format: Non-traditional book
  • Category: Games & Activities - Trivia
  • Publisher: Smith Street Gift
  • Trim Size: 3-3/4 x 5-1/3
  • Pages: 200
  • US Price: $24.95
  • CDN Price: $33.50
  • ISBN: 978-1-922754-68-4

Author Bookshelf: Smith Street Books