Space Utopia: A Journey Through the History of Space Exploration from the Apollo and Sputnik Programmes to the Next Mission to Mars
Author Vincent Fournier
- Publish Date: March 12, 2019
- Format: Hardcover
- Category: Science - Space Science - General
- Publisher: Rizzoli
- Trim Size: 10-1/8 x 13-3/8
- Pages: 184
- US Price: $75.00
- CDN Price: $100.00
- ISBN: 978-88-918-2033-4
"This tome is the result of over a decade of collaboration between photographer Vincent Fournier and the world’s most significant space centers and astronomical observatories, including NASA and Roscosmos, the Russian space agency. The collection of images charts humankind’s race to space and functions as both an historical archive of the past and a wildly imaginative exploration of the future." —SPACE UTOPIA
"An out-of-this-world monograph that delves into space exploration." —GESSATO