Edited by Alison M. Gingeras, Text by Jamieson Webster and Naomi Fry
A revealing look at the evolution of male iconography in the work of one of the foremost painters of his generation. Since raising the ire of the early-1990s…
March 2020Hardcover$100.00978-0-8478-6813-1Gagosian / Rizzoli
A catalogue of new work by American artist John Currin, one of the world’s foremost figurative painters. John Currin’s work draws upon a broad range of cultural influences…
September 2011Hardcover$100.00978-0-8478-3689-5Gagosian / Rizzoli
Author Bob Guccione Jr. and David L. Shirey and John Mellencamp and Dr. Louis A. Zona
Longtime music icon John Mellencamp’s artistic expression has never been limited to song. The acclaimed singer-songwriter John Mellencamp has been an accomplished painter for more than four decades….
November 2022Hardcover$65.00978-0-8478-7234-3Rizzoli
Contributions by Darren Aronofsky, Author John Yau
The first comprehensive monograph on the master contemporary Korean American sculptor, from his seminal wire sculptures to his never-before-seen early works formed of steel. John Pai (b. 1937)…
October 2023Hardcover$65.00978-0-8478-7377-7Rizzoli Electa
Introduction by Mark Hamill, Author Daniel Wallace
A comprehensive look at the greatest comic book villain . . . ever. Since his first appearance in 1940’s Batman #1, the Joker stands alone as the most…
October 2011Trade Paperback$35.00978-0-7893-2247-0Universe
This catalog serves as a fully illustrated look into the world of artists Jonas Wood and Shio Kusaka, published in conjunction with the artists’ debut exhibition at Gagosian…
September 2015Hardcover$50.00978-0-8478-4701-3Gagosian / Rizzoli
Featuring studio shots and a new interview between Jonas Wood and Tamarind master printer Ed Hamilton, Jonas Wood: Prints 2 provides an insightful view of the acclaimed artist’s…
April 2023Hardcover$55.00978-0-8478-7378-4Gagosian / Rizzoli
INDIEFAB Book of the Year Awards — 2014 Finalist The first monograph to celebrate the diverse and eclectic work of one of the true visionaries of the contemporary…
March 2014Trade Paperback$45.00978-0-7893-2723-9Universe
Contributions by Pharrell Williams and Marc Azoulay and Chris Anderson, Author JR
This book showcases the most important work by celebrated street artist and activist JR—the award-winning global street-art project he has been working on for the last six years,…
October 2017Hardcover$55.00978-0-8478-5864-4Rizzoli
A retrospective on the life and art of this renowned Cuban-American artist, acclaimed for his refined and thought-provoking paintings with fantastical, Surrealist overtones. One of the most important…
September 2021Hardcover$85.00978-0-8478-7068-4Rizzoli Electa
Contributions by Gordon Wilkins and Sam Adams and Allison Kemmerer
A revelatory look at the singular artist best known for her deeply personal and poetic, visceral, and often allegorical works. Published to coincide with a traveling exhibition that…
April 2025Hardcover$60.00978-0-8478-4353-4Rizzoli Electa
Text by Arthur Danto and Brett Littman and Laura Addison and Steven A. Nash and Lucy R. Lippard
This first major monograph on feminist sculptor Karen LaMonte features her hauntingly beautiful works that draw upon the power of the sublime. LaMonte’s highly charged works embody a…
September 2020Hardcover$75.00978-0-8478-6767-7Rizzoli Electa
Author Dan Cameron and Okwui Enwezor, Introduction by Louise Neri, Contributions by Isabelle Graw and Katharina Grosse
This new volume presents Katharina Grosse’s first gallery exhibition in New York and at Gagosian in context with recent works including her in-situ paintings. In her first exhibition…
October 2018Hardcover$120.00978-0-8478-6404-1Gagosian / Rizzoli
Author Monica Ramirez-Montagut, Contributions by Germano Celant
A vibrant look at the celebrated artist and designer KAWS. Multidisciplinary artist KAWS was first known for his work as a graffiti artist and his subersive approach to…
November 2010Hardcover$55.00978-0-8478-3434-1Rizzoli Electa
Contributions by Carlo McCormick and Hans Ulrich Obrist, Author Keiichi Tanaami, Edited by Alessio Ascari
The first comprehensive English-language monograph on Keiichi Tanaami’s kaleidoscopic oeuvre, which merges Japanese postwar culture and American-style comics with a genre-defining artistic output. Artist, illustrator, graphic designer, filmmaker,…
October 2024Hardcover$75.00978-0-8478-9966-1Rizzoli